Microsoft Security Bulletin MS04-002

di Daniele Bochicchio, in Microsoft Security Bulletin,

Rilasciato un nuovo bollettino di sicurezza.


Ecco in breve la descrizione (fonte: Microsoft Security Bulletin)

Prodotti affetti: System administrators who have servers that are running Microsoft® Outlook® Web Access for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003

Impatto: Elevation of Privilege

Livello di criticità: Moderate
Ambiti di applicazione (in inglese): System administrators should install this security update on all front-end servers that are running Outlook Web Access for Exchange Server 2003. Microsoft also recommends installing this security update on all other Exchange 2003 servers so that they will be protected if they are later designated as front end servers.

Per maggiori informazioni e per scaricare le patch correlate: sito Microsoft


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